4 Essential Facts Regarding Anti-Aging Products

These are some facts about anti-aging products: its origin can be traced back during the ancient times, they come in three categories, they are beneficial, physically and psychologically, to their users, and discretion should be practiced when buying these products. The market for beauty items with anti-aging properties is expanding. Even exotic and natural anti-aging products like Argan oil anti aging are carving their own niche in the beauty and wellness market. This only shows that people are determined to make their skin healthy and young-looking, without counting the cost. Before spending all your money on anti-aging beauty products, there are some interesting things you should know about them. The history of anti-aging products goes back to ancient civilizations Olive leaf and other herbs were used by the Egyptians to increase their longevity. Even the Chinese and Indian cultures have made foods and other health traditions to combat aging. Anti-aging products fall into three broad categories Amidst the number of anti-aging products sold in stores, they can be generally classified under one of these three categories. The first one is hormone anti-aging products which are marketed to be reverse-aging. Hormones don't stop aging, but they can mask its signs. Anti-oxidant products are among the most common anti-aging products. The vitamins A, C and E present in these products help fight free radicals responsible for damaging the cells that causes aging. Natural anti-aging products are gaining more popularity and are better known for reversing and hampering the different signs of aging. There are also other procedures and products such as plastic surgery, meditation, diets, vitamin supplements and live cell injections that promote anti-aging effects. Anti-aging products offer both physical and psychological benefits Anti-aging products' most obvious advantage is seen physically. Some products offer mild benefits like faded wrinkles, faded age spots and diminished fine lines. While some products produce dramatic results to the person like making him or her look a few years younger. Though anti-aging products are generally know for its physical benefits, it has psychological benefits to its users as well. Using anti-aging products can boost your self esteem and makes you feel better about yourself. Discretion should be practiced when buying products for anti-aging Prior to buying or using an anti-aging product, make sure that you have properly read its label and thoroughly researched the product. Because topical anti-aging products like wrinkle creams are considered purely cosmetic by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), they are not subject to strict guidelines for effectiveness and safety. Oral anti-aging products like hormones also carry the risk of overdosing with prolonged use. Too much intake of vitamin supplements can have damaging effects to some organs of the body too. Anti-aging products that contain hormones have a lot of unhealthy side-effects, such as diabetes and carpal tunnel syndrome. To get the best results from your anti-aging products, you must first do your research on everything about it.

4 Responses to "4 Essential Facts Regarding Anti-Aging Products"
Katie said...

Wrinkles and age spots are the chief target of anti aging skin products and it really appears to be efficient. Take note that for these products to be effective, you must also combine it with a healthy lifestyle. This includes proper exercise, a balanced diet, having enough of sleep and keeping the skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

Katie Hallison

July 13, 2012 at 7:21 AM
Geoffrey said...

A 2001 Australian study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition shows that a high intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes and olive oil protected people against wrinkling and damaged skin. Poor food choices contribute to wrinkles and age lines so, if you want to improve your skin’s health and prevent wrinkles, you need to have a healthy diet.

Geoffrey Lelia

August 14, 2012 at 11:49 AM
Terry said...

Today, there are a lot of products in the market that offers to help with fine lines and wrinkles, but unfortunately, to no effect. It’s important that you choose your anti-aging products carefully to getting the best results from your buck. Before purchasing, make sure that you check what ingredients it has. Your anti-wrinkle product has to have ingredients that have been proven to be safe and effective like, for instance, green tea and soy extract. These are common ingredients in anti-wrinkle products which are rich in antioxidants which help reduce radical skin damage and inflammation.

Terry Bayer

August 28, 2012 at 9:25 AM
Unknown said...

I agree with Terry. The anti-aging product you use should’ve been proven and tested by the American Dermatologist Board. Well, there is one product that has been proven and tested to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and these are retinoids. These products work by increasing the number of cell turnovers within the dermis, thus reducing or completely removing the wrinkles forming in our face.

Judith Arends

September 26, 2012 at 8:05 AM

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